The German Research Ministry has decided to invest 50 millions in NGTs R&D while some organic association continue to oppose the proposal of the commission. Convinced by the potential of NGTs, the EP rapporteurs and the Council’s presidency aim at reaching negotiating positions as soon as possible to begin trilogues’ negotiations in early 2024. Outside […]

Opening of the European Wine Day 2023 in Toulouse

Today, Toulouse, the European capital of European wine in 2023, hosts ‘The Soul of Europe,’ the first edition of European Wine Day. Political leaders, economists, researchers, and representatives from across Europe are gathering to engage in discussions about the future of European and French wine sectors, as well as the role of wine in today’s […]

Time for a bold protein strategy for Europe

In a significant move, the European Parliament has endorsed its own initiative report on the European protein strategy. This report underscores the importance of amplifying the production of protein sources within the EU’s agricultural sector. It emphasizes prioritizing natural agricultural proteins over synthetic alternatives or continued dependence on imports from Latin America. While this report […]

Geographical indications: Parliament’s position shall be taken seriously by the EU presidency

Negotiations on EU geographical indications have hit an unexpected snag in the last trialogue while it was supposed to be the decisive one before the final one scheduled for 24 October in the presence of the President of the Council of Agriculture Ministers, Luis Planas, and Agriculture Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski. According to the lead negotiator […]

Sustainable Pesticide Use: a step in the right direction from the Parliament

“Agriculture Committee Approves Ms Aguilera’s Report with ambitious targets while minimizing bureaucratic hurdles and the shortcomings of the initial proposal from the Commission” On October 9th, the Agriculture Committee made a significant contribution regarding the sustainable use of pesticides (SUR) by voting on the Aguilera report. This report introduces key changes to the European Commission […]

FARM to FORK polices & initiatives

In her State of the Union address, President von der Leyen paid tribute to EU agriculture and farmers,and called for a strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture. That same month, the EPP organised a conference on agriculture, while the Greens reiterated theiropposition to the NGT plan during a webinar on “GMO-free Europe” and TP Organics […]


While the EU is engaged in comprehensive discussions regarding the most efficient utilization of NGTs technologies to foster sustainability in the agricultural sector, the complex issue of intellectual property rights within this context seems to remain untouched. The UK are facing similar regulatory issues, while recent studies have shown that CRISPR-edited rice can produce up […]