Les évenements
New Genomic Techniques: opportunities and threats for the EU agriculture
27/05/2021 14:00 - 27/05/2021 15:30
Organisé par : Farm Europe



Votre organisation

Following the publication of the European Commission’s study on the evaluation of the legal framework of new genomic techniques, Farm Europe organises a webinar with representatives of the European Institutions and scientists to stimulate the debate.

Vous pouvez revoir l’événement sur le lien suivant, en utilisant le code d’accès mentionné ci-dessous:


Passcode: Lq.#FB2K

The event will be held in English.



New Genomic Techniques:

opportunities and threats for the EU agriculture

May 27th, 2021. 14:00 – 15:30 (CET)

Zoom webinar

Welcome Speeches

– Irène Tolleret, MEP (FR, RE)


– Dr. Sabine Jülicher, Director for food and feed, innovation, DG SANTE

– Tassos Haniotis, Deputy Director-General, DG AGRI

– Ismahane Elouafi, Chief Scientist, FAO

– Dr. Eli Khayat, Ph.D, Rahan Meristem (Israel)

– Prof. Dr. Laus-Dieter Jany, member of the Board of WGG – German Scientific Association for Gene Engineering

– Dr. George Freyssinet, President of AFBV – French Association for Plant Biotechnologies



Closing Remarks

– Herbert Dorfmann, MEP (IT, EPP)





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