Carbon & Agriculture : certifying sequestration and GHG reduction
29/06/2022 10:00 - 29/06/2022 12:00
Organised by : Farm Europe


English French

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Thank you for registering to the online event on “Carbon & Agriculture : certifying sequestration and GHG reduction” on the 29th of June from 10 to 12 o’clock under the patronage of MEP Martin Hlaváček.

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Farm Europe & Pluri-Agri is happy to invite you to its online event on “Carbon & Agriculture : certifying sequestration and GHG reduction” on the 29th of June from 10 to 12 o’clock under the patronage of MEP Martin Hlaváček.

With their unique ability to capture CO2 from the atmosphere, the agricultural and forestry sectors are a cornerstone in contributing to the objective of the European Green Deal to successfully deliver on climate action.

Due to their activity on maintaining and enhancing soil organic carbon, EU farmers are indispensable to reach a climate neutral EU, and represent a driving force for change, however they need the right incentives and support to be able to develop and deploy carbon removal solutions. Besides the need for added GHG emission reductions, creating sustainable carbon cycles through carbon farming can function as an added mitigation potential, which is at the same time beneficial for our lands.

The Commission’s new initiative (Certification of carbon removals) is aiming to do just that by proposing EU rules on certifying carbon removals, meaning that it will develop the necessary rules to monitor, report and verify the authenticity of these removals. At the same time, time is ticking, as the Commission has set the objective to reach climate neutrality by 2035 in the combined land use, forestry and agriculture sector at the EU level.

These developments represent major impact on the way farmers operate across Europe, and an opportunity to define a common EU standard for the transparent identification of activities that remove carbon from the atmosphere in a sustainable way.

Join this online event to discuss the challenges faced by the farmers and policy-makers to make the most out of the upcoming rules on certifying carbon removals.

Questions to be discussed at the event include: 

  • How can the EU help its Member States to implement the new rules on certifying carbon removals?
  • How can carbon farming contribute to the creation of new value chains and business opportunities for farmers?
  • What is the relationship between carbon farming and the CAP Strategic Plans?
  • What initiatives already exist at Member States level for carbon removals?
  • Which concrete measures and practices can be most beneficial for carbon removals?
  • How to encourage farmers to uptake these carbon farming measures?

The event will be opened by Mr. Martin Hlaváček, rapporteur for the European Parliament on the subject of carbon in soils. Interpretation will be available in English & French.


  • Introduction 
  • MEP opening statement
  • Commission presenting initiatives
  • Researchers’ perspectives
  • Farmers’ practices
  • Discussion and Q&A
  • MEP closing statement

In order to receive the Zoom link for the event, make sure to register by sending an email to!


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