EUROPE AND FOOD: Ensuring environmental, health and social benefits for the global transition
Online event
05/05/2021 10:00 - 05/05/2021 12:30
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The report “Europe and Food” is a study on the EU-28 food systems, conducted through the lenses of the Food Sustainability Index (FSI), a tool developed since 2016 by the Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition (BCFN) and the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).

Register here: #EuropeAndFood



Session 1:
• Paolo De Castro, MEP Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, European Parliament: The European challenges to reach a 100% safety food chain
• Marta Antonelli, Head of Research, Barilla Foundation, BCFN Speech Report: The Food sustainability Index and the importance of measuring the sustainability of food systems

Session 2 – Moderated by Paolo De Castro MEP:
• Michele Quaroni, Ambassador-Deputy Permanent Representative of Italy to the EU: The farm to Fork strategy and the needs of Sustainable diets- the Italian case
• Claire Bury, Deputy Director General for Food sustainability, EU Commission: What is (still) needed to shift Europe into an environmentally sustainable system
• Eduardo Cuoco, IFOAM EU Director: The role of farmers in the affirmation of European sustainability and the challenges of the Green Deal
• Riccardo Valentini, BCFN Advisory Board and Scientific Coordinator of Project Su-Eatable Life: The importance of communication to raise awareness among young generations


Closing remarks: Paolo De Castro

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