Reform of the CAP, European budget and societal expectations: which synthesis, which steps?
10/09/2019 10:00 - 16/09/2019 12:00
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The resilience of the milk sector

Rond-Point Schuman, 9, du 22/07/2015 10:00 to 22/07/2015 13:00

The EU dairy sector has been characterised by several years of rapidly changing markets and high levels of volatility. While the long-term development prospects, particularly in global markets, are positive, the sector faces challenges of resilience and market turmoil. Recent debates held in the European Parliament underlined once more the demand for fresh ideas, as well […]


Toward a Carbon neutral economy in Europe, Assessment of transport decarbonisation options for Member States

Rond-Point Schuman 9, 1040 Brussels - 3rd floor, du 12/06/2019 12:00 to 12/06/2019 14:00

The Green Energy Platform is pleased to invite you to our lunchtime event at Farm Europe premises on  « Toward a Carbon neutral economy in Europe, Assessment of transport decarbonisation options for Member States”.  To open the discussion, Carlo Hamelinck (Ecofys-Navigant) will unveil the final report presenting the most cost effective path for a transport policy that match […]