DEFORESTATION: WHICH STRATEGIES? Seizing the available tools for the EU to develop winning strategies to halt deforestation
11/02/2021 14:00 - 11/02/2021 16:00
Organised by : Farm Europe


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The event will give the opportunity to present a detailed, practical oriented perspective on how innovation can be used today effectively and efficiently on a large scale to protect the world’s forests by stepping up the efforts on stopping deforestation and achieving deforestation-free commodities to combat imported deforestation.

The event is organized under the patronage of MEP Irène Tolleret (Renew Europe) and will feature presentations on cross-cutting technological options by AIRBUS and EarthWorm.

The European Parliament’s Chairman of the Environmental Committee Pascal Canfin will open the event  

The agenda will follow, as the link to the virtual room (Zoom).

 You are cordially requested to register through 

Screen Shot 2021-01-25 at 16.30.32

You may rewatch the event on the following link, using the passcode mentioned below:

Passcode: .^=y5zrk

Presentation by Airbus: 2021 02 11 Starling F Lombard v1

Presentation by Earthworm: Event with MEP FarmEurope 11022021 Earthworm

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