Farm Europe outlines its key priorities to agriculture to Commissioner Hansen

Today, Luc Vernet, Secretary General of Farm Europe together with Ettore Prandini, chair of Farm Europe’s strategic committee and President of Coldiretti, presented Farm Europe’s key priorities to Mr Christophe Hansen, European Commissioner for Agriculture and Food. Those orientations are based on key trends that should be taken into account : These indicators turning red, […]

Beating Cancer Plan : a different approach on wine needed, ultra-processed products’ are missing.

Farm Europe and Eat Europe express deep concerns regarding the recent proposal outlined in the Commission Staff Working Document published on February 4th, 2025, in preparation for the revision of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. In a letter to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, we emphasized our commitment to supporting policies that promote healthier […]

After the wine, a high-level group on sustainable livestock is needed

The recommendations adopted earlier this week by the EU High-Level Group on Wine highlight the tangible benefits of a multi-stakeholder approach, as emphasized by Farm Europe at the outset of this process. Bringing together diverse actors across the value chain, with a clear vision and a concrete strategy, is crucial for supporting the economic sustainability of strategic […]