CAP, Brexit, Budget: turn challenges into assets for our agriculture.
23/01/2019 15:00 -
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Global Food Forum 2016

On a farm, close to Milan, ITALY, du 14/10/2016 10:00 to 15/10/2016 13:00

The agri-food sector is at the crossroads between huge opportunities and massive pressure. Every single decision needs to be informed by a wide range of factors, where citizen expectations, breakthrough technologies and consumption patterns in developed but also in developing countries are only the tip of the iceberg.   To cope with these challenges we truly believe […]


Removing the legal barriers for farmers markets around the world

Webinar, du 23/02/2022 16:00 to

  The World Farmers Markets Coalition organises a webinar during which keynote speakers and representatives of farmers market organisation will debate about legal barriers for farmers markets in different countries and how to remove these obstacles in order to promote their development, competitiveness, and growth. For registrations, please send an e-mail to   Last […]