Global Food Forum 2017
On a Farm, close to Venice
19/10/2017 19:00 - 21/10/2017 14:00
Organised by : Farm Europe, in partnership with Confagricoltura
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Building a common ambition for resilient economic & environmental value chains

 Susegana, Treviso 20-21 October, 2017

    19th October 2017

    20th October 2017

    10h00 – 10h30: Opening remarks
      10h30 – 12h00: EU agriculture and EU society: let’s devise the means for our ambition!
        12h00 – 12h30: Closing remarks
          12h30 – 14h00: Buffet Lunch
            14h30 – 18h00: World café Workshops

            IMPORTANT: Please give us your preferred topics raking the following workshops from 1 (your preferred choice) to 6. Based on your choice and on the language available we will organise the groups.

            • Closing the gap between societal demands & economic reality: focus on double performance

              The Omnibus and beyond: defining resilience and crises management EU toolkit

              Agriculture as a sustainable provider of food and non-food societal demands

              Food Chain: organisation, contracts, UTPs, how to rebalance the supply chain?

              Science, Health and Nutrition – a call for EU coherence

              Trade & Brexit : let’s conjugate ambition and realism

            21st October 2017

            9h00 – 10h00: Taking stock of the outcomes of the first day, drawing recommendations
              10h15 – 12h00: Roundtable "A EU strategy of double performance for all EU agri-food systems"
                12h00 – 12h30: Conclusive statements
                  12h30 – 14h00: Buffet Lunch

                  Practical informations will be provide at a later stage.

                  For non Farm Europe members the 2 days event all inclusive (transfer from the airport and hotel) is 920EUR – a package of 450EUR is possible when no transfer and no hotels needed.

                  Special conditions are applied for Farm Europe members and journalists.

                  For any details before finalising the registration process do not hesitate to contact us at

                  Dear Ms or Mr,

                  Thank you. We confirm that we received your request. We will come back to you in the coming days in order to confirm and provide you all the necessary information to prepare the Global Food Forum.

                  The closest airport to the place of the forum will be Treviso or Venice. Connections will be organised from these airports to the place of the Forum.

                  In case you need to contact us, do not hesitate to send us an email at the following address:

                  Kind regards,

                  Farm Europe’s team

                   An event supported by:

                  GFF2017 - Partners

                  GFF2017 - InvitationThe 2017 Global Food Forum will take place on the 20-21 October 2017, focusing on “EU food systems: building economic & environmental value chains”. Discussions will take place in Italy, in a rural village and vineyards around Susegana, close to Venice, and a report of the event will be presented later to EU decision-makers. 

                  The  Forum will start on the 19th of October at 19h00 with informal dinner among participants allowing an initial round of exchanges. On the 20th of October, the morning session will focus on the strategic approach to be developed for a shared ambition between EU food systems and EU society, while discussions among participants will be developed throughout the afternoon sessions around 6 World-café workshops held in parallel. On the 21st of October, building upon the work of the previous day, participants will have the chance to discuss with EU key political leaders on how to build resilient economic & environmental value chains for EU food systems via an ambitious EU policy.
                  Click on “I would like to attend” to have the full programme and start the registration process.

                  Confirmed speakers:

                  Jean ArthuisChair of the European Parliament Budget Committee 
                  Dacian Cioloșformer Prime Minister of Romania, former Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development
                  Maurizio MartinaItalian Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies 
                  Gian Luca Galletti, Italian Minister for Environment
                  Michel DantinMember of the European Parliament
                  Paolo De CastroFirst Vice President Comagri EP
                  Herbert Dorfmann, Member of the European Parliament
                  Angélique DelahayeMember of the European Parliament
                  Pilar Ayuso, Member of the European Parliament
                  Rudolf Moegele, Deputy Director General at DG AGRI, European Commission
                  Pierre Bascou, Director at the European Commission 
                   Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle, DG French Ministry for Agriculture
                  Fernando Miranda, DG Spanish Ministry for Agriculture 
                  Andrea Gavinelli, Head of Unit in DG SANTE, European Commission
                  Christiane LambertPresident of the French Farmers Organisation (FNSEA)
                  Massimiliano GiansantiPresident of Confagricoltura and the GFF 2017
                  Joachim Rukwied, President of the German Farmers Organisation (DBV)
                  Laurent Vallée, Secretary General of Carrefour Group
                  Ioannis Koufoudakis, CEO of Gaia Epicheirein 
                  Meurig Raymond, President of National Farmers Union
                  Philippe Pinta, President of Unigrains
                  Arnaud Rousseau, President of Avril Group and Chair of the Oilseeds Working Group of COPA-COGECA
                  Claudia Michel, Director at Bayer
                  François SchmittPresident of Federation Groupama
                  Jan DolezalSecretary General AKCR
                  Eric Laine, President of CGB and First Vice-President of the International Confederation of European Beet Growers (CIBE)
                  Piero Gattoni, President of Consorzio Italiano Biogas (CIB)
                  Pierre Olivier DregePresident of European Landowners Organization (ELO)
                  Daniel Coulonval, Farmer – FWA
                  Philippe RuelleDirector General at UGPBAN/FRUIDOR
                  Carole Rocca, InVivo Group
                  Eddy Punch, Secretary General at ICSA (Ireland)
                  Bruno Dufayet, President of FNB 
                  Jean Cordier, Professor at AgroCampus 

                  GFF2017 - Partners


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