Global Food Forum 2019
European parliament, Brussels
02/12/2019 15:00 - 03/12/2019 12:00
Organised by : Farm Europe


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Poster GFF2019

In the current context of broad and lively discussions, Farm Europe is pleased to invite you to the 4th edition of the Global Food Forum, on the 2nd and 3rd of December 2019 at the premises of the European Parliament in Brussels, at the heart of the EU policymaking process.

The Global Food Forum gathers each year EU policy makers, prominent figures from the European institutions, national Ministries, key representatives of agriculture and agri-food stakeholders from different Member States and as well media and  representatives from the Civil Society.

Considering, the political, economic and societal challenges of the European agenda, the 2019 edition will give you an opportunity to discuss and reflect on: EU agri-food sectors as front-runners of EU future”.

This two-days discussion will give you the opportunity to engage in fruitful exchanges on how to shape the European policies allowing them to lead the way for a transition of agricultural models towards greater environmental and economic performance, while strengthening the bond between farmers and Europeans.

Twitter: @FarmEurope


Day 1 – Monday, December 2nd

3.00pm – Arrival of participants: Registration and Welcome coffee

 4.00pm to 5.30pm – Opening of the 2019 Global Food Forum: Sustainability, growth, inclusion: is the EU ready to bet on its agri-food systems?

6.00pm to 8.00pm: 4 Working Sessions in parallel

 Working Session 1: Innovation and agriculture: a concrete answer to both sustainability and economy?

Working Session 2: From farmers to consumers, let’s define the future of EU food chain

Working Session 3: Agriculture as a provider of a decarbonized EU economy

Working Session 4: Which strategy for a vibrant EU Meat sector?

Day 2 – Tuesday, December 3rd

8.30am to 10.00am: 3 Working Sessions in parallel

 Working Session 5: Brexit & Trade challenges: From a reactive attitude to an EU fund preventing and tackling crisis

Working Session 6:  Nutrition and Health: let’s conjugate societal demands with consumer expectations

Working Session 7:  EU Wine sector: an asset for EU and its rural areas

 10.30am to 12.00pm: Closing session of the 2019 Global Food Forum: CAP & EU Sustainable Food Strategy: strengthening the bond between farmers and Europeans


Confirmed speakers 

Eric Adam, Director for institutional affairs, Carrefour Group

Pierre Bascou, Director DG Agri, European Commission

Simona Bonafè, Eurodeputy, S&D

Xavier de Breucker, Beez, Belgium

Henri Brichart, FNSEA, France

Boris Calmette, President of wine cooperatives confederation, France

Fotis Chatzipapadopoulos, President of Neuropublic, Greece

Dacian Ciolos, Eurodeputy, President of Renew Europe

Daniel Coulonval, farmer, Belgium

Alex Datema, Boeren Natuur, Netherlands

Paolo De Castro, Eurodeputy, S&D

Jérémy Decerle, Eurodeputy, Renew Europe

Gabriele Di Gaspero, University of Udine, varieties breeding&viticulture, Italy

Piero Gattoni, President of Consorzio Italiano Biogas, Italy

Emiliano García-Page Sánchez, President of Castilla-La Mancha, President of AREV, Spain

Tassos Haniotis, Director DG Agri, European Commission

Christophe Hansen, Eurodeputy, EPP

Martin Hlaváček, Eurodeputy, Renew Europe

Peter Jahr, Eurodeputy, EPP

Christiane Lambert, President of FNSEA, France

Norbert Lins, Eurodeputy, President of Committee on Agriculture&Rural Development

Yves Madre, President of Farm Europe

Joao Pacheco, Senior Fellow, Farm Europe

Jean-Louis Peyraud, Scientific Vice-director, INRA, President of the Animal Task Force european platform, France

Ettore Prandini, President of Coldiretti, Italy

Eddie Punch, Secretary General of ICSA, Ireland

Arnold Puech D’Alissac, FNSEA, France

Martin Pycha, President of Agricultural association of the Czech Republic

Arnaud Rousseau, President of Avril group and Federation of oilseeds producers, France

Anne Sander, Eurodeputy, EPP

Franck Sander, President of Beet growers’ confederation, France

Emmanuelle Sangouard, Beez, Belgium

Stefan Schreiber, Verbio Group, Germany

Eric Thirouin, President of Association Générale des producteurs de blé, France

Elli Tsiforou, Secretary General, Gaia Epicherein, Greece

Irène Tolleret, Eurodeputy, Renew Europe

Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, Eurodeputy, Renew Europe

Bruno Verkest, Vice-president FNPL, farmer, France

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