Building upon the broad and lively discussion of last week’s International Conference on Forests for Biodiversity and Climate, Farm Europe is pleased to organise the event:
BioMonitor4CAP Kickoff meeting: European Project on advanced biodiversity monitoring started
BioMonitor4CAP is a research project aiming to develop advanced biodiversity monitoring to show which agricultural practices and policies work best at conserving farmland biodiversity. Twenty-three partner organisations from 10 European countries and Peru participate in this project funded through the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme. Agriculture covers around half of the European terrestrial land […]
Toward a Carbon neutral economy in Europe, Assessment of transport decarbonisation options for Member States
The Green Energy Platform is pleased to invite you to our lunchtime event at Farm Europe premises on « Toward a Carbon neutral economy in Europe, Assessment of transport decarbonisation options for Member States”. To open the discussion, Carlo Hamelinck (Ecofys-Navigant) will unveil the final report presenting the most cost effective path for a transport policy that match […]