Global Food Forum 2022
on a farm close to Brussels
05/12/2022 16:00 - 06/12/2022 16:00
Organised by : Farm Europe
I would like to attend the event


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    December, 5th & 6th, 2022

    On a farm, close to Brussels

      I would like to attend
      • Both days (from December 5th to December 6th)

        Only the second day (December 6th)

      DAY 1 - Monday, December 5

      From 4.00 pm – Arrival of participants: Registration


      5.00 to 7.00 pm – Opening session


      7.00 – 8.15 pm – Cocktails

      8.30 – 2200 pm – Gala dinner

        DAY 2 - Tuesday, December 6

        9.00 – 12.30 – Five working groups in parallel


        Important: Each participant will have the possibility to participate to only one workshop on Day 2 (December 6th). Please give us your preferred choice.

        Based on your choice and on the language available we will organise the groups.

        • Working session 1 – Financing European agriculture: why and how?

          Working session 2 – Food & non-food: can EU farmers meet both challenges?

          Working session 3 – Nutrition: which values for which food future?

          Working session 4 – Environmental transitions & food security: rejecting dead-end policies

          Working session 5 – International trade and EU sovereignty: what balance?

        Closing session - Agriculture, food & nutrition: Reconnecting the EU with consumers and farmers

        12.15 – 13.15


        The closing session will be followed by a buffet lunch.

        Practical information will be provided at the next step of the registration process.

        For non-Farm Europe members the price for the 2 days event is 580 EUR –  transfers are not included. For non-Farm Europe members the price for only day 2 (December 6th) is 280 EUR (contact Farm Europe for details).

        The price includes a gala dinner on December 5th, accommodation on place for the night, breakfast and lunch on December 6th and coffee tables/refreshments during the whole staying.

        Special discount will be applied for Farm Europe members and journalists.

        For any details before finalising the registration process do not hesitate to contact us at

        Thank you for registering to the GFF22!

        Shortly, you will be contacted by the Farm Europe’s Team for further details.


        See you soon!

        The consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic being still on farmers’ shoulders, a war broke out at the doorstep of Europe, causing suffering for those territories as well as in the EU. In parallel, the climate emergency did not rest, continuing to affect our lives as much as the environment.

        The consequences of these crises on farmers, consumers, and society at large -toughen by inflation and sky-rocketing energy prices- call on the European agricultural sector to play a crucial role on all its fronts: climate, nutrition, and energy. In a context that is shaking, will the EU have the strength to stand strong and assure its role as a reliable partner in the global scene while paving the way forward for climate’s ambition ?

        The 6th edition of the Global Food Forum, titled ‘Climate, nutrition, energy: European Agriculture on all fronts’, will gather political and economic decision-makers and stakeholders to discuss, understand and crack possible solutions on the current issues that concern the Eu agricultural sector, its players, and consumers.

        Speakers that have been confirmed their presence at the time being are the following:

        • Janusz Wojciechowski, European Commissioner for Agriculture
        • Dacian Ciolos, MEP, former EU Commissioner (agriculture) and Prime Minister (Romania)
        • Paolo De Castro, MEP, former Minister (Italy)
        • Jiri Sir, Deputy Minister of agriculture (Czech Republic)
        • Anne Sander, MEP
        • Peter Jahr, MEP
        • Irène Tolleret, MEP
        • Maurizio Martina, Assistant Director-General, FAO, former Minister (Italy)
        • Christiane Lambert, President, FNSEA
        • Ettore Prandini, President, Coldiretti
        • Marianne Streel, President, FWA
        • Arnaud Rousseau, President Group Avril, first Vice-president of FNSEA
        • Jan Dolezal, President, AKCR
        • Gérard Tubéry, President, Fondation Avril and Farm Africa Development
        • Jerzy Wierzbicki, President, Polish Beef Association
        • Franck Sander, President, CGB
        • Benjamin Lammert, President, Terra Innovia and the Green Energy Platform
        • François Schmitt, Farmer, Groupama
        • Claus Sauter, Founder & CEO, Verbio
        • Eddie Punch, Secretary General, ICSA
        • Elli Tsiforou, CEO Gaia
        • Luigi Scordamaglia, Filieraitalia
        • Maciej Golubiewski, Head of Cabinet of the European Commissioner for Agriculture
        • Lukas Visek, Member of Cabinet of the European Commissioner for the Green Deal
        • Pierre Bascou, Director, DG AGRI, European Commission
        • Silvia Michelini, Director, DG AGRI, European Commission
        • Leonard Mizzi, Head of Unit, DG INTPA, European Commission 
        • Madis Pärtel, Counselor, Permanent representation of Estonia to the EU
        • Sylvain Maestracci, French agricultural advisor & negotiator 
        • Kako Nubukpo, UEOMA Commissioner
        • Alice Stanton, Professor, RCSI
        • Roberto Scalacci, Director for agriculture & rural development, Regione Toscana
        • Adela Padourková, Head of EU affairs, Czech Republic
        • Catherine Lion, CESE (France)
        • Cédric Benoist, Deputy Director General, AGPB
        • Pierre Rayè, Managing Director, FranceCarbonAgri
        • Martin Kubu, Director, Agrofert
        • James Cogan, Ethanol Europe
        • Hinse Boonstra, Bayer Crop science
        • Emmanuel Coste, CNE
        • Roberto Weber, Centro Studi Divulga

        The Global Food Forum aims at shaping the future of EU food systems, presenting the challenges and designing recommendations for decision makers, in order to foster growth, added value, and sustainability within the EU as a whole.

        The event is organised by the think tank Farm Europe in cooperation with its partners. Since its first edition in 2016, the Global Food Forum has involved every year more than 600 key decision-makers in the course of  regional Forums across Europe and its main two-days event gathering top decision-makers together with high-level representatives of the European Farming Sector and other influencers

        Full programme is available starting the registration process above. 

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