CAP REFORM NEGOTIATIONS: closer to deal on eco-schemes
April marked the turning point for the negotiations on some matters in the Strategic Plan regulation, notably on the eco-schemes. In fact, the Portuguese presidency proposed a compromise on the ring-fencing of funds under the first pillar that would include 22% during the learning period (2023-24) to be raised at 25% in 2025. During their meeting, Ministers seemed to generally support this idea (even if some delegations would stick to the initial Council position of 20%). Also, institutions might be closer to a definition of active farmer, given the Commissioner’s advancement of some indicators. However, Parliaments’ negotiators do not share this optimism.
In Germany, Länders have reached their common position for the future CAP.
The Commission published a study on the “Evaluation of the impact of the CAP on generational renewal, local development and jobs in rural areas” concluding that the CAP tools at disposals are unsuited for the purpose.
full note available on the Members area