CAP reform negotiations: Comenvi withdrawal & agreement on the transitional regulation
The month of June was marked by the following events:
- At the level of the European Parliament, ComEnvi has decided to withdraw from the ongoing joint AGRI-ENVI work on the CAP Strategic Plan Regulation. On the other hand, on the work of the “Farm to Fork” Strategy the two committees will work together, with Anja Hazekamp (GUE-NGL for ComEnvi) and Herbert Dorfmann (EPP for ComAgri) being the appointed rapporteurs.
- The co-legislators reached an agreement on the transitional regulation, including a period – extended to two years, despite the Commission‘s reluctance. The latter initially threatened to withdraw its proposal for a regulation and has since been looking for ways to insert into this regulation or via the “recovery” omnibus a means of communicating on 40% of the CAP budget devoted to the environment in 2022.
- The Council has met twice. Delegations pointed out the need for a budget that meets the requirements of the F2F and Biodiversity strategies of the Green Deal, as well as the need to take into account the sustainability efforts already undertaken in the Member States and the diversity of starting points. The German Presidency succeeds the Croatian Presidency, while important work remains to be undertaken on the new governance model and green architecture.
full note available on FE Members’ area