No ready-made ideas
Farm Europe does not have ready made ideas to drop into the debate. Farm Europe is about a process: bringing stakeholders, experts, and decision-makers that are interested in exchanging ideas for the future of our food, our agriculture and our rural economies around the same table.
To start with its agenda, Farm Europe will first ask a lot of questions ! Good solutions can only emerge when asking the right questions. The think tank’s team has prepared, and will continue to prepare, policy briefing putting questions into the debate, then stimulating its members and partners so as to mobilise their expertise and generate relevant, sustainable and forward looking solutions.
European policies in the field of agriculture are the so-called “traditional business” of the EU institutions. But not an out-dated matter. On the contrary! Farm Europe might shake up the debate to modernise the thinking of these “traditional policies” so that they emerge as a real new opportunity for Europe and fully relevant to the new Europe that is emerging.