NUTRITION & HEALTH : Monthly news
Cultured meat is developing strategy to gain attention from business, consumers, and regulators. In the UK, the parliament was asked to adopt a more open legislative approach towards this technology, in Japan a company of the sector developed a method to reduce costs in feeding cells, whereas in the US a company is building the largest production center of synthetic meat in the world, while its competitor has been accused of false and misleading claims on the quality of their proteins. In Denmark, a cooperation between university and restaurant is aiming at creating alternative seafood.
In the European Parliament, MEP Ulrike Muller (Renew Europe, coordinator in Comagri) will host in July an event promoting synthetic meat.
On nutrition, a MEP brought back to the attention a WHO report on children living in overweight and obesity, stressing that education should be the main driver for the improvement of health and dietary habits.
A study reveals that information on healthy diet is confused among the public, and that social media (notably Tik Tok) can spread misleading information on dietary patterns.
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