September 2018 Executive Summary In the European Union around 3.6 million farms belong to the EU cattle sector, which represents the 17% of all EU farms. In merely economic terms, these holdings contribute one third to the total EU agricultural gross production value, utilize one third of EU agricultural land and employ one quarter […]
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Carbon Farming was one of the topics discussed by the Agri Committee during this month. Even if in agreement with the propositions of the Commission, MEPs raised their concerns over the methodology that would be used to put in place the certification system, how this system will be financed, how to monitor it, and the risk of increasing administrative burden.
From the Council, Ministers discussed and took position on the promotion policy of agri-food products amongst other things. They are strongly opposing the idea of alignment of this policy to the F2F strategy that would result in the loss of the promotional support to some agri-food industries.
A draft of the revision of the Sustainable use of Pesticide Directive has leaked the Commission’s services. The Commission intends to implement rules to face the need for the introduction of stricter rules to increase coherence among member States and have more binding effects on policies in individual Member States.
During the Plenary session of the European Parliament of February, MEPs voted on the report on animal welfare (Rapporteur: Decerle, FR, Renew), agreeing on the fact that standards should be harmonized amongst Member States and calling for more stringent rules.
full note available on FE Members’ area