Farm Europe welcomes the agreement on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy reached today. It preserves the common dimension of this policy and it provides the means to give impetus to a real economic and environmental ambition, clearly improving the European Commission’s initial proposal. The tireless work of the Portuguese Presidency, of long-established MEPs […]
Our Works
Negotiations on CAP reform: experts put the brakes on the calendar
May was marked as follows:
– EU Agriculture Ministers spoke during last Agri-Fish Council meeting on the proposed CAP performance framework, with positions oscillating between an annual evaluation, an evaluation every two years and two evaluations over the whole budget programming period.
– Experts from 5 Member States having met in SCA, discussed sectoral interventions and expressed their reservations about the pace driven by the Romanian Presidency which was still aiming to reach a partial general agreement before the end of June, while the next Multiannual Financial Framework remains uncertain.
– In early June, at the informal Council in Romania, the Presidency had to acknowledge the impossibility of reaching a partial approach, which was opposed by almost 20 delegations.
May: highlights in chronology
14/05 Strategic Plans: Ministers Review Performance Framework
20/05 Experts put the brakes on the calendar
28/05 Phil Hogan “sells” his reform to young farmers
full note available on FE members area