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FOOD CHAIN - 3 June 2019

Negotiations on CAP reform: experts put the brakes on the calendar

by Farm Europe

May was marked as follows:

– EU Agriculture Ministers spoke during last Agri-Fish Council meeting on the proposed CAP performance framework, with positions oscillating between an annual evaluation, an evaluation every two years and two evaluations over the whole budget programming period.

– Experts from 5 Member States having met in SCA, discussed sectoral interventions and expressed their reservations about the pace driven by the Romanian Presidency which was still aiming to reach a partial general agreement before the end of June, while the next Multiannual Financial Framework remains uncertain.

– In early June, at the informal Council in Romania, the Presidency had to acknowledge the impossibility of reaching a partial approach, which was opposed  by almost 20 delegations.

May: highlights in chronology

14/05 Strategic Plans: Ministers Review Performance Framework

20/05 Experts put the brakes on the calendar

28/05 Phil Hogan “sells” his reform to young farmers


full note available on FE members area 


Written by Farm Europe