FICHE AGRICULTURE ECONOMIC CHALLENGES Farmers’ incomes, productivity and investment The agriculture sector is facing severe headwinds. Farmers’ incomes have stagnated, and according to the European Commission forecasts they are bound to drop by a staggering 14% (in real terms) in the next decade, taking into account the European Commission initial Common Agriculture Policy reform […]
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The Green Energy Platform, launched in the summer of 2017, brings together the players in the agricultural sector that see European agriculture not only as a source for food and feedstocks but also as a green energy supplier. We would like to draw the attention on the contribution and importance of this critical European infrastructure and sector in these crucial times and for the future as well.
The Communication from the Commission on the European Green Deal states that “to deliver the European Green Deal, there is a need to rethink policies for clean energy supply across the economy” including for transport and food & agriculture, yet the latest Commission data tells us that we are still far behind from the desired objectives.
The transport sector poses one of the greatest challenges to the Green Deal. Moving forward will require an advanced mobilization of additional input of renewable energy sources.
A key instrument shall be the further contribution of EU sourced biofuels, which are sustainable and help to achieve the EU’s climate targets by decarbonizing the transport sector, as the latest Commission data certifies accordingly.
In order to tackle the immense challenges ahead, the EU needs to realize that European biofuels make an essential contribution to Green Deal, and therefore bring back EU sourced biofuels into the Green Deal discussion, as they are an effective response for concrete and rapid benefits towards the environmental and transformative ambitions of the Green Deal.
The following leaflet summaries some of the key facts for EU sourced biofuels such as:
- not having a negative effect on food production, environment or price
- reducing emissions today in an economic way
- strengthening food security
- creating income and jobs in rural areas
To download the pdf version see: Benefits of EU sourced biofuels