NUTRITION & FOOD POLICIES: time for a real EU nutrition strategy
In the context of the French presidency of the EU and the upcoming French presidential elections, two French doctors called for the next President to establish a real, coherent, and efficient European nutrition strategy that should find its basis in education and, notably schools as a tool to address the obesity pandemic and reverse the trends in childhood obesity. On the same side are some major European NGOs that, on World’s Obesity Day (March 4th), plead to the EU member states to address (limiting) the marketing of HSSF to children.
The international scientific committee that gathers scientists from the EU countries that have adopted the Nutri-Score is preparing the ground for harmonisation so to ease the usage of the nutritional label by new actors amongst their market and to open it possibly to others countries in the EU.
In Germany, while the government is pushing for dietary changes involving reduction of meat consumption, Doctors’ association call for tax exemptions for fruit and vegetables.
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