Our Works

FOOD CHAIN - 3 January 2022


by Farm Europe

In the two past months the European Commission has proposed two legislative initiative packages, notably the Carbon farming initiative and the Soil strategy. The former is about creating a remunerative system for farmers to incentivise the stock of carbon into soil, borrowing the logic of the ETS system already into place; while the former is the legislative package proposed to improve the health of EU soils and management.

Also, on the side of animal welfare the European Parliament has been active in voting its conclusions on the transportation of animals (ANIT Committee) and proposing resolutions, namely on the introduction of temperature, humidity, and ammonia recording devices in lorries and the set of journey limits. The Commission renewed its commitment on this dossier, with Commissioner Kyriakides reminding the institution’s action plan during an on-line even on the wider topic of animal welfare.

full note available on FE Members’ area

Written by Farm Europe